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I understand risk involved in stock market
I understand that trading (intraday, swing or positional) involves substantial risks to the trading capital. I fully understand the risk involved.
I am joining course only to learn
I am joining this course to learn how the stock market works and learn the strategies that can generate income. I am not joining the course to blindly follow the professional traders. I will use my own critical reasoning to decide which trade to take and how much capital to deploy.
SEBI Regulation - Please Read
VRD Rao is a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor but this course is not offered under his capacity as an advisor. This course is purely for educational purpose only and at no point the trades taken or stocks discussed should be taken as recommendation to buy or sell.
VRD Nation doesn't give any guarantee for returns
I understand that VRD Nation doesn
Fees are non-refundable
I understand that the fees are non-refundable because of the nature of service.
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